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Know the places to fully enjoy the presence of whales with respect to their conservation; in addition to sharing unique moments with these endearing mammals.

Cetaceans are one of the main attractions and symbols of Baja California Sur, because every year they visit the Mexican seas that surround the Peninsula: the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez give refuge to these marine giants.

It is well worth dedicating a week to visit any of the five proposed destinations, either traveling by land to the observation sites or navigating the Sea of Cortez aboard a modest catamaran or luxurious and comfortable nature observation cruises. ; In addition, there is the possibility of rowing in a sea kayak and also walking through the desert.

Start this adventure in Cabo San Lucas, in the famous arch that marks the beginning or end of the Baja California Peninsula where humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) gather.

It is one of the largest fin whales; adults have a length of 13 to 14 meters and an approximate weight of 36 tons (in Antarctica one of 18 meters was recorded).

They are great travelers: during the summer they feed in polar waters and during the winter they mate and have their young in tropical and subtropical waters.

They are characterized by their long pectoral fins, by their acrobatic jumps in which they completely show their bodies out of the water, and by the song of the males that emit deep and high-pitched sounds in complex sequences, especially when they are in the breeding season.

These whales are the most dynamic and the ones that provide the greatest spectacle for photographers.

In Puerto Adolfo López Mateos, in Magdalena Bay, the largest on the Peninsula, you can watch gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus).

There are several cooperatives at the main dock that offer observation trips and tours of the mangroves and Magdalena Island.

During the summer it feeds in the icy waters of the Arctic in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas, stirring up the marine mud that it absorbs together with krill, food made up of benthic amphipods (animals that live on the bottom, similar to shrimp). In winter they come to Mexico and in spring they return to the north.

In October they begin their long journey in search of the temperate waters of Bajo California where they mate and give birth to their calves of half a ton and 4.5 meters long; their gestation lasts from 12 to 13 months and they only have one calf.

The gray whale reaches a size of 15 meters and 33 tons and spends its life traveling through the waters of the Pacific Ocean on its thousand-year-old annual migration, the longest of all mammals.

Sighting area: Puerto Adolfo López Mateos, to follow the migration and take the road to Mulejé and then to the El Vizcaíno Desert. 66% of the country's marine mammal species inhabit the marine lagoons and coast of the Reserve, including three seals, eight dolphins and 15 whales, including the gray one.

In the San Ignacio Lagoon, visit the Baja Expeditions camp, founded in 1974 by Tim Means, who is a legend in the Baja: he knows every corner of it and is an important figure in nature conservation .

The Baja Expeditons camp is 100% ecological with safari-style tents, with comfortable cots. On this 5-day, 4-night trip, there are daily whale-watching trips: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and during the rest of the day, there are hikes, sea kayak tours, and bird-watching outings. , exploring the maze of mangroves in the reserve.

Sighting area: In the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve there are two whaling sanctuaries: Laguna Ojo de Liebre, in Guerrero Negro, and Laguna San Ignacio.

In Loreto, The blue whale (Balaenoptera muscuslus), also known as the giant fin whale, inhabits the planet's oceans. In Mexico, in the last censuses, approximately 300 blue whales have entered the Gulf of California to feed, reproduce and raise their calves.

leave the Pacific Ocean to go to the Sea of Cortez in search of the largest animal in the world: the blue whale; It reaches 30 meters in length and weighs 190 tons. On this trip aboard the Baja Expeditions catamaran, El Mechudo, and for 5 days we toured the islands of the marine park and sailed to La Paz. During the trip we made several outings in panga.

The blue whale comes out to breathe between 8 and 15 times and then submerges for periods of 3 to 20 minutes; They can dive up to 150 meters deep and, generally, before submerging, they take out their caudal fin.

During a panga trip we were surprised by a big snort: a blue whale came out right in front of the boat! We literally ran out of breath. It is one of the most beautiful experiences that nature can offer. Being face to face with the largest animal in the world in the seas of our country is a great gift.

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